Therapy for Those Who Want the Most from this Life

So you think you want to go to therapy but you’re not sure. You’re wondering: “Who goes to therapy? Weak, broken people with issues?” Actually, there is only one kind of person who goes to therapy: the courageous kind!

Those who are willing to do the hard work of change. The hard work of looking at and moving from the predictable, often chaotic place they are in and move into the unknown where growth lies. And doing this requires incredibly hard work and profound courage. There is a common misconception about courage. Most of us conceive courage as a lack of fear. The truly courageous are fearless, they have no fear. That simply is not true. The truly courageous accept fear and embrace it as the birthplace of growth. The truly courageous understand that courage can only exist where fear is present.

That courage is profound strength and that it takes profound strength to move into the unknown where there is the possibility of growth and change. The good news is, no matter what you may believe about yourself right now, you were brought into this life with all the internal resources you need to do it. To change! To grow!

This is not for everyone, but if that is who you are and that is what you want, than call me now at (812) 760-5528 and let’s get to work.


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20 NW First St, Suite 204 | Evansville, IN 47708

(812) 760-5528

© 2022 Stucke Counseling